Early Histories of the Internet
So Many Parts!

Jentery Sayers | Unlearning the Internet | Week 1
DHum 150 | UVic English | 7 January 2019
Slides Online: jentery.github.io/150/slides/intro

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This survey is not intended to be exhauastive.

Movable Type (11th c.)

Small, resuable clay blocks to set characters

Video care of UNESCO

Printing Press (15th c.)

Gutenberg Press + Gutenberg Bible (ca. 1455)

"more books were published in the first fifty years following Gutenberg
than had been produced in the previous thousand years" (Donald Cardwell)

Video care of Zac Richins


self-operating machines especially popular
during the 18th and 19th c.

Video care of the BBC

Steam Engines (18th c.)

mechanical work driven by steam pressure, pistons, and cylinders

Video care of the BBC

Mechanical Digital Computer (19th c.)

an analytical engine fed binary code on punched cards

Video care of Bucks New Uni.

Telegraph Network (19th c.)

transmit messages across distance through infrastructure

Video care of Library of Congress Prelinger Archive

Other Parts to Consider

Railroads, Factories, Jacquard Looms, Phonography, Photography, Moving Images, Film, Radio, Magazines, and ...?

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