English 230

This is Prompt 2 for English 230, “Contemporary Media and Fiction” (Fall 2021), at the University of Victoria. It is also available in PDF.

Responses to the prompt should be submitted via the course Brightspace. Thanks!

Prompt 2

Written on Monday, September 27th

This prompt asks you to continue practicing methods for studying what media do in fiction. It shifts your attention from “comprehension” and “apprehension” (Prompt 1) to “synthesis,” and it asks you to focus on audio in fiction. You’re welcome to respond to the prompt in one of three ways.

The Three Options

Option 1, “Get Meta”: This option appeals primarily to studies of audio in terms of design and narrative. Produce video (1-2 minutes), audio (2-3 minutes), or 600 words describing how the story of Biidaaban (The Dawn Comes), Within the Wires, or Gone Home is told through audio. Your description should give your audience a “meta” sense of how the work’s audio shapes or structures its story. It should also include at least one “why” or “how” question you have for your audience about the work’s audio.

Option 2, “Meaning”: This option appeals primarily to studies of audio in terms of literary, social, or cultural significance. Produce video (1-2 minutes), audio (2-3 minutes), or 600 words describing how the meaning of Biidaaban (The Dawn Comes), Within the Wires, or Gone Home is conveyed through audio. Your description should give your audience a sense of how the work’s audio produces moments of significance in the story. It should also include at least one “why” or “how” question you have for your audience about the work’s audio.

Option 3: “Massage or Manipulation”: This option appeals primarily to studies of audio in terms of perception. Produce video (1-2 minutes), audio (2-3 minutes), or 600 words describing how Biidaaban (The Dawn Comes), Within the Wires, or Gone Home massages or manipulates your senses through audio. Your description should give your audience a sense of how the work’s audio addresses you and its audience. It should also include at least one “why” or “how” question you have for your audience about the work’s audio.

Tips for Writing


I will assess your response to Prompt 2 based on the following criteria:

You will receive a mark for each of the four criteria, which will be tallied (.25 x 4) to result in your mark for Prompt 2. I will send feedback to you via Brightspace. I will use UVic’s grading system for assessment, according to this rubric: “exceeds and raises expectations” (A+), “exceeds expectations” (A, A-), “exceeds some expectations” (B+), “meets expectations” (B, B-), “meets some expectations” (C+, C), “meets few expectations” (D), and “no submission.” You will have an opportunity to revise your response to Prompt 1, 2, or 3 by Friday, December 3rd. This revision can only improve your mark.

What to Submit

You may submit your response to Prompt 2 via Brightspace as a video (1-2 minutes), audio (2-3 minutes), or word processing (600 words) file. Please also attached a Works Cited page in MLA format. If you have questions about how to cite a particular work, then don’t hesitate to email me. Here are citations for the three works at hand (change the access dates, if you wish):

When to Submit It

I recommend submitting your response by Friday, October 8th at 10:30am, before the long weekend; however, you may submit your response as late as Friday, October 15th at 10:30am. This extra time may be especially useful if you are writing about Gone Home, which we will discuss on October 13th.


You may get meta about how the story is told in the work.

Here are some ways to get meta. I don’t recommend trying them all during a single exercise. Maybe pick one or two?

Consider the:

What is interesting about the work’s treatment of each or any of these? What’s familiar or predictable?

Getting meta prompts considerations of a work’s design and structure.


You may want to consider what the work means to you and others. Meaning is produced in all sorts of ways.

Here are some ways to think about meaning. Again, you may want to pick just one or two of these for a given exercise.

Attending to meaning prompts considerations of significance.

Massages or Manipulates

You may want to consider how the work massages or manipulates people’s senses.

Here are some ways to think about massage and manipulation. Again, maybe pick just one or two for a given exercise.

Asking how a work massages and manipulates people’s senses prompts considerations of discipline and pleasure (how we are trained to perceive and also what we enjoy).