Media in the 21st Century

Media Studies 200: Intro to Media Studies
Intended for 80 undergraduate students
Fall 2024 at the University of Victoria
lək̓ʷəŋən and WSÁNEĆ territories
M and Th, 10 - 11:20am | 1.5 units | prereq: AWR
Taught by Jentery Sayers (he / him)
Office hours: Th, 12-1pm, in CLE D331


This portfolio covers all material from MDIA 200. Your response is due via Brightspace by Thursday, December 12th at 10am.

The portfolio is open-book, meaning you are allowed to use handouts, the course website, my slides, your notes, recordings of class sessions, the library, and the internet to address the prompts.


This open-book assignment contains one prompt, and you may respond to it in one of two ways:

Your response is worth 100 points and 25% of your final grade.

The Prompt

Tell someone you know what you learned in this course by sharing samples of your work, demonstrating your knowledge of media, and communicating your primary interests in Media Studies.

Your response to this prompt should be synthetic. Avoid lists and point form. Construct a narrative or theme that brings the material together in a way that would engage your interlocutor on an interpersonal, one-to-one level. The response should be more about you and your learning than the course itself, and it should sound like part of a dialogue rather than an advertisement for MDIA 200.

You needn’t name, describe, photograph, or record your interlocutor; however, I should be able to infer who they are to you based on how you communicate with them in response to this prompt. Use references and language that make that relationship clear.


I will use the following criteria and UVic’s official grading system to assess your response.

The degree to which your response:

What to Submit

Please submit a DOCX, ODT, PAGES, PDF, MP4, or MOV file containing your response. You are also welcome to attach media files to your submission in Brightspace.

Do not use a platform other than Brightspace to submit, store, or share your materials.

When to Submit It

Your portfolio is due by 10am on Thursday, December 12th.

I will deduct five points for every business day (excluding holidays and weekends) that I receive your portfolio after Friday, December 13th, at 10am. I will close the submission portal at 10am on Wednesday, December 18th, and cannot accept any submissions after the portal is closed. Thank you for understanding.

Appendix A

Ten approaches to Media Studies that we engaged in this course: