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What's in a Game?

Digital Humanities 350 (Spring 2015) at UVic
Taught by Jentery Sayers (

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What we call a videogame is not a product. It's the creation of an author and her accomplice, the player; it is handmade by the former and personally distributed to the latter. The videogame is a zine. -- Anna Anthropy, Rise of the Videogame Zinesters

Schedule | Description | Objectives | Assignments | Assessment | Policies | Contact

For many of us, games are central to our leisure time. They are objects we purchase, play, and consume. But how are they made, and how do they help us think critically? In this course, you will prototype a game of your own, starting with a paper prototype and transitioning into a videogame prototype. Throughout the semester, you will also share your prototype, read research in game studies, and study gaming cultures.

This course is ideal for undergraduates interested in new media, game design, electronic publishing, and cultural studies. No previous experience with any of these four fields is required. Students from across the disciplines are welcome.